My rating: 4 of 5 stars
A smart girl, a genius teacher: perfect recipe for a Taboo escapades!!!
But it is much more than that... J.A.Huss made the most boring Math and Trigonometry feel like an exciting subject through Eighteen!!!
I have read #Follow by her and it was not that interesting for me but Mateo and Shannon were Fantastic!
"Are you my problem, Mateo? Or my Answer?"
"I don't just want the solution, I need the process."
These are my favorite lines from this book. And I love how Shannon stands for herself while not giving a flying fuck about how she gets there but everything changes when Mateo forced her to learn how to earn those results and it makes much more sense.
Sadly, I would have loved to read further about Mateo and Shannon and don't forget Sunday!!!! The famous Daniel Alexander demands his own time and I think he deserves that.
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